Return of the sister

My sister and her partner – left England in March 2011 to travel the world. They planned that they would return within 2 years… but as all good plans of mice and men go… it changed, and so they travel on.

First glimpse of my sister after years of travel

First glimpse of my sister after years of travel

However they decided to make a surprise pit stop and pop back home for a few months (mainly due to their best friend’s wedding). So on the 23rd of July they landed at Heathrow airport and I could yet again see my sister after years of dodgy Skype connections to some far off remote jungle location. They stayed with us until this morning but have now boarded a plane to Poland.  I couldn’t share this with you all any earlier because my parents were still blissfully ignorant about the surprise pit stop.  I am also aware that they do check out my blog sometimes so it would have ruined the whole big surprise. I have just spoken to my dad and they are finally home, in their mums and dads arms… so there is no longer any need for all the secrecy.

Welcome home sis! It is good to have you back!


Filed under What's new

6 responses to “Return of the sister

  1. What a great idea to travel the world – yay for your sister and her partner!

    • Sometimes I wish they were back for good… it is hard at times with lack of communication… we never know if they are ok if they stuck in the “jungle” for longer than expected…

  2. Aww….awesome it is always nice to see family

  3. I am really envious that they manage to finance such a lifestyle!

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